Artists Anonymous
AA (Artists Anonymous) started off, like many brilliant things, as a joke, offering a "safe space" for the creatives to come together, and share their general obstacles, obsessions, worries, neurosis and other seemingly dysfunctional yet transformative emotional/intellectual drive. Even though the name has been misleading in so many ways ( I have been contacted by alcoholics for advise and carefully re-guided them to the right direction although it would've been an interesting mix), AA essentially is a multi disciplinary platform for people from different fields to come together and not only brain storm but also come up with practical, applicable solutions in real life in a collaborative, inclusive way. AA is a rather new formation and at the moment based in Nicosia, however its "ritualistic" nature can be adapted and applied in all sorts of environments. Each session is unique to its own, and includes various body and breathe work, thought experiments and small exercises to be tried at home :) AA is based on sincere, open and honest communication and strongly supports art as a way to cope with the "nasties" of the life :) the first session was held in NiMAC as part of "Bizim Kütüphane - Nevertheless we end up here" exhihbition/happening.